Quiz Night - non-members welcome
Come join us the second Thursday in the month for an interactive quiz. Entry is free thanks to our Quiz Partners Tim Roskruge of Barfoot & Thompson and Bill Hansen.
Our Quiz Night is on the second Thursday of each month
Our quiz nights are interactive, incorporating the Club's entertainment system to run the entire night through our big screen and televisions. Needless to say, the quiz host is still an integral part of our quiz night.
Each month the quiz contains eight rounds of ten questions, plus 'Ponderous Puzzle' and 'The List', and lasts approximately two hours. The categories change every month, to ensure a wide variety of subjects are covered, not just every month, but all the time.
Reserve your team's spot by phoning the club 480-7493, Emmie 0274 297297 or just turn up on the night ready for a 7pm start.

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