Bowls New Zealand ClubCheck Gold Award
The Birkenhead Bowling Club enjoyed one of the proudest moments in its history when it was presented with its Bowls New Zealand ClubCheck Gold Award. Birkenhead is the first bowling club in the North Harbour Centre and with only twelve clubs in New Zealand to having previously achieved a ClubCheck Gold award, places Birkenhead up there with the best in New Zealand. The award was presented by BowlsNew Zealand’s Community Development Officer Martin Mckenzie to club Chairperson Emmie Swart at the Club’s prize giving last night.
Martin Mckenzie congratulated the club on its achievement in reaching its goal of becoming a strong and sustainable club, commenting on the need for sound business management and on its promotion of the sport in the local community through its highly popular Social Bowls summer programme, its encouragement of community use of its facilities, the clubs continued development of facilities and bowling results
The award is a culmination work by various members over the past few years and further development of the club by the current Board. Emmie Swart gave special thanks to Gary Stevens, who has spent hours of his time writing, assisting and guiding the Board through the processes of Constitutional Changes, Club Regulations, Health and Safety and Strategic Planning to name a few.
ClubCheck is Bowls NZ tool for assessing club performance. It covers four main areas of a club’s operation - Planning, People, The Club and The Game. These break down into a series of 24 elements, each of which is assessed on a five-point scale. Each element has a ‘desired state’ which describes what the club should be seeking to achieve. ClubCheck awards are made at three levels – Bronze, Silver and Gold. For a Gold award the club needs to score over 105 points.
The assessment process allows a club to identify the areas in which it is doing well, and the areas where there is opportunity for improvement. The assessment process helps recognize the good work already being done within as well enabling the club to focus on other areas that will likely be of benefit.